The political events which occurred under the Trump administration have resulted in many feeling shaken, perplexed and distraught. Dr. Lynch presents a psychological perspective on affect dysregulation that sheds light on recent events and provides a viable strategy for adequately addressing our reactions and moving forward to create a more just, equitable and inclusive society. – Carolyn Springer, PhD
Type Three Personalities: Abusers and Their Victims
Two Professional Book Proposals
- UnMasking the Abuse
- He’s Not Who You Think He Is
Book Proposal: The Alloplastic Defense
Considering Court
White Papers and Proposals
- Freud and The Fundamental Attribution Error
- Projective Identification
- Funding Proposal
Unmasking the Abuse: Psychological Defenses in Child Custody Disputes
Twenty Questions
- To help identify the Type Three dynamic
The Boys in the Yachts
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